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Free Ecommerce Cart Abandonment Calculator

Growth Marketing

Picture this… you land a brand spankin’ new marketing job at an eCommerce company and you wanna make a good first impression with “the boss” so you’re known as “the guy” or “the gal” who exceeds goals from day #1.

Because you’re a smart eCommerce marketer, you know cart abandonment is a major cause of lost sales. So the first thing you do when you sit down at your desk is log in to your company’s eCommerce platform (Shopify, BigCommerce, etc.) and check your cart abandonment stats.

You log in, look up at your computer screen, and see this:

Screenshot showing google search results

One in five people who add an item to the cart is making a purchase.

That means 80% of those people are not buying. 😱

You’ve hit the jackpot! You’ve found an easy win to get hundreds of thousands of new sales for your company (and it’s only your first day).

All you have to do now is compare your cart abandonment stats to the eCommerce industry average, then show it to your boss to prove how much money your store is losing and what a great opportunity you just found. 

Luckily for you, Bar “Make Money” Bruhis from our Sumo Money team recorded a video with one of Australia’s top eCommerce companies to show you exactly how to do it. In the video you will learn about:

  1. 1:08 – A free calculator Jordache “Make It Rain” Johnson from our Sumo Money team built that you can use to work out how many lost sales your store has (compared to the eCommerce industry average) 
  2. 2:24 – One type of pop-up you can use on your Cart page to get more people to buy (what the pop-up is and what incentive works best).
  3. 5:17 – A bonus segment on how to convert your browsers into buyers.

Screenshot showing google search results



Click template, File –> Make A Copy, enter your own information.

To get the most out of the calculator follow these five steps:

  1. Enter your Unique Visitors from Google Analytics.
  2. Enter your Added To Cart, Reached Checkout, and Purchases values from your eCommerce platform (if you can’t find them, leave those values blank).
  3. Enter your Average Order Value (this is the total amount of $$$ sales you made, averaged across your total number of orders).
  4. Estimate what percentage of orders you could realistically recover. With a Sumo exit intent pop-up on the cart page, we recover an average of 5% of orders.
  5. Enter what incentive you are going to offer people on your exit intent pop-up. Here is the Sumo Exit Intent pop-up Bar setup for Rhone with a 10% off incentive (notice how Bar used scarcity in the description line with the wording “Checkout in the next 2 hours” to get a 21.42% conversion rate).

Screenshot showing google search results

If you want help to find all your data, work out how much sales you are losing using the calculator, and get a free personalized cart abandonment optimization plan to increase your eCommerce sales like Bar did for Jake in the video above, click here to apply for a 1-on-1 session with one of our Ecommerce Experts.

For a limited time, four experts from our optimization team (Bar “Make Money” Bruhis, Jordache “Make It Rain” Johnson, Kevin “Mo’ Money Mo’ Tacos” Mendoza and Ashley “Dolla Dolla Billz” Thurman) will be on standby to meet with you one-on-one and give you a free site optimization.

Important Note: If the link below is broken, then that means there are no spots left (or Kevin messed with it so he could go on a taco break).

Closed: 1-On-1 Session With A Sumo Ecommerce Expert

