Pop Ups   •   Email List   •   Welcome Mat   •   CTA   •    Exit Intent   •   E-commerce • LTV   •   Sticky Bar   •   ROI   •    Pop Ups   •   Email List   •   Welcome MaT   •   CTA   •   Exit Intent   •   E-commerce   •   LTV   •   Sticky Bar   •   ROI POP UPS   •   EMAIL LIST   •   WELCOME MAT   •   CTA   •   EXIT INTENT   •   E-COMMERCE   •   LTV   •   STICKY BAR   •   ROI   •   POP UPS   •   EMAIL LISt   •   WELCOME MAT   •   CTA   •   EXIT INTENT   •   E-COMMERCE   •   LTV   •   STICKY BAR   •   ROI

What’s New

Product Updates

October 1 – October 7, 2018


  • Shopify

    • Fixed issue where users would see “Invalid Shopify Credentials” that wouldn’t go away even after a successful connection.

  • Smart Bar

    • Updated how we push/pull headers better to handle more cases. Should improve smart bar’s ability to insert itself properly


  • Chat
    • Fixed some chat mobile styling issues

September 24 – September 30, 2018


  • Shopify

    • Automatically restart process on any errors for Shopify event processors so we’re always consuming events


  • Sumo

    • Fixed an issue where some customers were unable to change their Site ID on Shopify websites

    • Upgrading from legacy plans now properly opens the checkout page.

    • Fixed an issue where wordpress users may be directed to the wrong url after clicking ‘Connect’

  • SumoMail

    • Escape tokens on the server-side in case Shopify product details pull in strange characters

  • Shopify

    • Shopify began rejecting requests that contained both a marketing_channel and referring_domain. We no longer send those.

  • Discount Codes

    • Fixed issue where discount sources were linking to the incorrect form

  • Convert Window Shopper

    • Some product descriptions include html — now we strip out the html to prevent strange product descriptions from being used

  • ElasticSearch Mappings


  • Display Rules
    • Display rule input fields now line up nicely rather than indent for each new line

September 17 – September 23, 2018


  • Shortcuts

    • Added update button to show on shortcuts when Shopify re-auth is required

    • We now insert values into SumoVerifiedPurchase when discount codes are used so we can tie specific purchases to discounts to show people revenue numbers better


  • Chat

    • Don’t disconnect users from the websocket if the tab for chat is still open, but they are away.

  • Discounts

    • Discount campaigns were showing as “Inactive” if they were attached to Shortcuts

  • Settings

    • Fixed error that could arise if a user attempted to change settings that they no longer had access to alter.

  • Woocommerce

    • Trims discount_prefix on DiscountCampaign save. This ensures the discounts get marked as redeemed as they should have been.

  • List Builder

    • Fixed issues where certain iOS devices had trouble with copy functionality and scrolling to the bottom of the page functionality

  • Help

    • Fixed issue where Help dropdown did not work on launcher

  • Convert Window Shopper

    • Fixed issue where test sends weren’t able to be sent from custom sender domains


  • Sumo Launcher

    • Added safeguards to prevent the launcher from opening the manage page more than once.

September 10 – September 16, 2018


  • Shortcuts

    • If the shortcut has no forms, we use the email in the shortcut for the thumbnail

  • Sumo
    • We now have users manage Sumo from sumo.com rather than their own website. This prevents issues with style and allows safer transactions to occur as we own the entire transaction


  • SumoMail

    • Fixed open stats. We weren’t updating stats correctly, but have since fixed the issue and backfilled the missing stats.

  • Smart Bar

    • Improvements to Smart Bar to prevent it from overlaying over existing navigation in certain scenarios

    • Fixed Safari-specific styling issue

  • List Builder
    • Updated z-indices for listbuilder dialog and date picker.
    • Fixed double opt-in discount being ignored
  • Display Rules
    • Fixed issue where the server was not expecting empty display rules if a user deleted all of them.


  • List Builder

    • Prevented Animations table from being queried way more often than it needed to be.

September 4 – September 9, 2018


  • Sumo
    • Added the ability to deep link from registration directly into a specific shortcut.
  • Sumo.com
    • Added “Login/Register With Shopify” button 
  • Shortcuts
    • Sorts “Your Shortcuts” by last edited date
    • Created new display rule to improve cross-shortcut compatibility. Helps prevent one shortcut from showing when another one is queued, etc
  • Autoresponse
    • Added endpoint for previewing Autoresponse emails giving us the ability to provide thumbnails for emails


  • List Builder

    • Updated discount campaign validation to deal with timing issues. Improved performance by adding caching.

  • Shortcuts

    • Clicking “Edit” in the overflow menu in shortcuts should now launch List Builder into the editor properly.

  • Sumo

    • Fixed an issue where changing the site ID for platform users could result in the user being unable to log in.

August 27, 2018 – September 3, 2018


  • Forgot Password
    • Added IP and GeoIP info to forgot password emails

  • Shortcuts
    • Remove integration step if already integrated (shopify/woocommerce)


  • Shortcuts
    • Added several updates to the display logic to prevent multiple shortcuts from stepping on each other.

    • Fixed issue where publishing after upgrading could lead to a crash

  • ListBuilder
    • Only preload images for enabled steps

    • Reintroduced the “Restore” form button to restore deleted forms

    • Fixed issue where drop-downs were not lining up

  • Dashboard
    • Fixes issue when switching from Overview to another chart type, after clicking a different interval, it’d show the page/form data not the overview data.

    • Fixed issue where long urls would overflow


  • RCA Shortcut
    • Updated upgrade dropdown style and updated pricing table spacing

August 20, 2018 – August 26, 2018


  • List Builder
    • Fixed template loading logic

    • Fixed lb3 template upload for admins

    • Fixed an issue where tests weren’t displaying results correctly (no progress toward statistical significance)

  • Shopify
    • Fixed an issue where the shopify scopes were preventing registrations from happening properly

  • MessageCenter
    • Fixed a bug where firefox didn’t like the way we were adding links

August 13, 2018 – August 19, 2018


  • Shortcuts
    • Added publish step after saving shortcuts to show exactly what’s being published on the user’s site.

  • Sumo.com
    • Blog categories weren’t being filtered properly. Now they are!

  • List Builder
    • Fixed issue where Advanced Forms were not editable due to a bug

    • Fixed issue where importing a template via upload into List Builder wasn’t working for users

    • Fixed issue where creating a test within ListBuilder would fail. This was introduced during our refactor to use ElasticSearch

  • Share
    • Retired StumbleUpon integration


  • List Builder
    • Updated several views to use our ElasticSearch data to load stats. This should make the data fast to retrieve and more in line with our Dashboard stats as it is now the same data store

August 6, 2018 – August 12, 2018


  • Integrations
    • Added ability to enable double opt-in from within Sumo


  • Pricing
    • Fixed issue where it was possible to create multiple subscriptions for the same site if going through Shopify

    • Updated post-checkout copy to reflect trialing status to make it more clear

    • Fixed issue where features were being shown on pricing page twice

    • Fixed tablet view of pricing page — Features no longer clipped off by images

  • Discounts
    • Fixed an issue where it looked like a discount was redeemed multiple times due to the fact that Shopify can sometimes send us multiple webhooks for the same event. 

  • List Builder
    • Fixed issue where we weren’t correctly checking the email body for {discount} tags in auto response emails in some cases

    • Fixed issue where LB forms would get auto-renamed upon changing the headline even after manually changing the name

    • Updated z-index on autocomplete dropdown in email field.


  • List Builder
    • Refactored List Builder tools. It is now >50% faster using our performance metrics

  • Pricing
    • Removed legacy code that fetches plan features


  • Sumo.com

July 30, 2018 – August 5, 2018


  • Pricing: Added a courtesy email to notify users that their free trial will be expiring soon
  • Shortcuts: Added a counter for Discount Codes when a user adds them manually to the shortcut


  • Smart Bar: Fixed bug where Smart Bar did not scale properly below 52px
  • Smart Bar: Fixed bug with “large” preset not working properly
  • Shortcuts: Fixed a check to make sure the user was on the correct plan before publishing a plan that required a plan
  • Shortcuts: Fixed an issue where display rules were being duplicated within Shortcuts
  • Shortcuts: Fixed an issue where AutoResponseEmails were duplicated instead of just reusing the same AutoResponseEmail and editing it.
  • Shortcuts: Fixed an issue where the discount in Reduce Cart Abandonment was not found for the preview within the shortcut
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where you could expand/collapse the features of the different plans when you shouldn’t be able to
  • Pricing: Updated invoices to be much clearer. Has trial start/end dates and subscription start/end dates along with the amounts to be paid
  • List Builder: We now replace {discount} tags on formsync fields on submit
  • List Builder: Fixed issue where text would not wrap on the AOV smart bar 
  • Content Analytics: Fixed an issue where CA Pro was not available for the Professionals plan when it should have been
  • Discounts: Fixed an issue where discounts weren’t being fetched when the autoresponse email body was empty


  • List Builder: Refactored List Builder / Autoresponder by cleaning up save POST logic and removing unnecessary deleted_at checks (instead using the status)
  • Discount Codes: Refactored discount code generation to prevent potential issues where codes are generated but not received by the client.
  • Tests: Refactored to not spin up a new server for every test file and fixed a couple of bugs that caused tests to crash occasionally due to web driver issues
  • Sumo: Removed unnecessary styles for the promo header to reduce bloat


  • Pricing: Updated trial copy and reduced margin on the subheader
  • Sumo.com: Updated homepage to better reflect Sumo’s current value propositions

July 23, 2018 – July 29, 2018


  • Pricing: If only one plan is showing on /pricing page, always expand the features list
  • Shortcuts: Released Increase AOV shortcut
  • AOV Shortcut: Added progress bar to smart bar


  • Partner Landing Page: The heading changes we made for the Smart Bar issue caused issues on the partner pages. This was resolved
  • RCA Shortcut: Auto apply trial when coming from RCA shortcut
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where status said Published even if the shortcut was Paused
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where some users were unable to open Shortcuts editor due to variable being null
  • Autoresponder: Fixed issue where AutoResponder emails weren’t being deleted properly within Shortcuts
  • Pricing: When going to /pricing page and not-logged-in, we now persist the plan they chose through the login process so they don’t have to choose their plan again
  • Content Analytics: Fixed issue where CA would not load correctly for certain users


  • Free Trials: Implemented pixel push updates in pricing table within Shortcuts

July 16, 2018 – July 22, 2018


  • Free Trials: Added 14 day free trials through shortcuts. 
  • Reduced Cart Abandonment Shortcut: Updated visibility settings to show RCA forms independent of other forms. It will show max one time per 7 days and will show regardless of whether a user has already subscribed or not.
  • WordPress: Updated to 1.30 — added woocommerce functionality, updated the marketing page and tested up to the latest wordpress version


  • Register/Login: Added better checking to determine if the site already exists to help prevent Shopify users from accidentally signing up more than once.
  • Marketo: Marketo changed the way they passed us errors so we updated how we handle their errors
  • Pricing: Disabled tablet view within Shortcuts.
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where a Shortcut step in the wizard was showing the wrong title due to some of the free trial updates
  • ListBuilder: Fixed issue where input fields didn’t line up correctly on Form -> Visibility -> When
  • Shortcuts: Prevent mailto links from not working properly
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where Shortcuts was missing some info when saving AutoResponse emails preventing them from being saved in some cases
  • Emails: Fixed issue where footer was broken in Shopify oauth reconnect email and receipt email
  • Integrations: Fixed issue where ESP integration logo would fade into the button improperly.
  • Thumbnails:  Centered smart bar in thumbnails

July 2, 2018 – July 8, 2018


  • Shopify/Woocommerce: Added util files that can be used to pull cart subtotal values for more advanced List Builder (and more) future functions
  • List Builder: Improved resolution of form thumbnails


  • Shortcuts: Fixed thumbnails for GEL shortcut
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where onChange events for Cookie and ShowDelay were swapped
  • WooCommerce: Fixed an issue where getWebhook had a long timeout which could cause other calls to timeout if their woocommerce site was invalid
  • AutoResponder: Re-enabled Autoresponders if they were set to ‘active’. Previously they would not re-enable after being disabled when updated through a certain endpoint

June 25, 2018 – July 1, 2018


  • GeoIP Database: Updated database. Should be more accurate
  • Heat Maps: Default to not tracking signed in users


  • Dashboard/Shortcuts/MC: Adds ability to jump to Dashboard and Message Center from Shortcuts view to see stats of shortcuts
  • WooCommerce: Add support for minimum purchase amounts for WooCommerce discount codes


  • Chat: Fixed a bug where chat bot messages were not updating correctly
  • List Builder: Fixed issue where forms were being saved incorrectly due to not cloning an object
  • Shortcuts: Fixed an issue where if you were previously integrated with WooCommerce, publishing was disabled


  • Shortcuts: Refactored to save all forms asynchronously which should simplify things
  • List Builder: Do not rely on Template to render thumbnails as we don’t need them. We have everything we need in the popup itself


  • List Builder: Reduced z-index of logo for autocomplete
  • Sumo: Updated z-index on Sumo modal body — fixed issue where Site dropdown came behind it
  • Shortcuts: Disabled manual scrolling in shortcut preview column
  • Shortcuts Intro Cards: Updated copy and images, fewer intro cards, maintains min-height, scales in x-axis
  • Shortcuts Grow Email List Form: Updated input box to be text-align: left;

June 18, 2018 – June 24, 2018


  • Sumo: Moved “New” tag from Dashboard to Shortcuts


  • Shortcuts: Released “Grow Email List” Shortcut
  • Shortcuts: Updated the last card to jump straight into a shortcut and say what shortcut they’re going to jump into
  • Shortcuts: Saves shortcut immediately upon opening the wizard.
  • Shortcuts: Clicking on the thumbnail now opens the wizard.
  • List Builder: We now preload images early so that when the popup shows, the image doesn’t take as long to show


  • List Builder: Fixed thumbnails where shortcuts would show HTML rather than the form
  • Shortcuts: Fixed thumbnails where we’d show Sumo logo as fallback rather than actual thumbnails
  • Image Sharer: Twitter added extra security to their API by requiring whitelisting callback urls. We added ours in.
  • Shortcuts: Button color was using RGBA instead of hex resulting in color not being set properly
  • Pricing: Reordered the expanded feature list for the Ecommerce plan
  • Shortcuts: fix “undefined api in context” error in console
  • Shopify: Prevented .myshopify from getting added to store names twice
  • Shortcuts: All links and buttons are now unclickable within the Email Preview in a shortcut.
  • Shortcuts: Save sitename in the subject line for auto-response emails.
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where email integration wasn’t getting saved within the shortcut
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where email integration was connected, but not reflected in the UI
  • Dashboard: Fixed issue where last intro card would not close the modal.


  • Display Rules: Removed unused endpoints, moved logic into DisplayRules.loadRules, updated use of objectId
  • Shortcuts: Worked to consolidate and clean up save logic

June 11, 2018 – June 17, 2018


  • In-App Billing: Updated text to reflect 30-day Money-back Guarantee


  • Shopify: Shopify auto-connects to Oauth if using the Shopify plugin


  • Sumo Library: Fixed pagination
  • Pricing Table: Fixed pricing table caching previous pricing table plans


  • Shortcuts: Fixed several design issues.

June 4, 2018 – June 10, 2018


  • List Builder: In preparation for upcoming shortcuts, added ability to use a combination of timed/exit for showing a form.
  • Shortcuts: Now autosaves upon changing between steps.
  • Wootric: Emails users an NPS survey if they decline in-app.


  • Shortcuts: Updated style to prevent issues when resizing. Updated scroll behavior to give users a better experience when scrolling between the various steps.
  • Cart Abandonment Shortcut: Update discountUrl to use hostname instead of site name
  • Autoresponder: Deleting a test without choosing a winner would also remove the Autoresponder.


  • Legacy Stats: Use ElasticSearch rather than DynamoDB for more realtime subscriber stats

May 29, 2018 – June 3, 2018


  • Shortcuts: Updated Step 1 kopy


  • Shortcuts: Added shortcuts deep link


  • Autoresponder / Message Center: Fixed bug with nonstandard chars in From Name
  • Abandoned Cart Shortcut: Fixed Woocommerce store URL not being cleaned up properly upon integration. Added redirectLabel to shortcutMeta as we won’t always be linking to checkout pages


  • Shortcuts: Stop pulling ListBuilderVariants on load for no real reason
  • Shortcuts: Updated preview to work better regardless of the preview type and moved logic from renderStepContent into the view it renders

May 21, 2018 – May 28, 2018


  • Shortcuts: Updated to show Shortcuts to all shopify/woocommerce users, existing and new


  • Shortcuts: Added validate util to check shortcuts in real time and at the end of the shortcut
  • List Builder: Added GDPR Opt-In option to List Builder components
  • Shortcuts: Added tooltips to error tags, direct link to step containing the error, added ability to go to any step using routes.
  • Shortcuts: Clicking on the progress bar in the wizard will let a user jump to different steps.


  • Sumo: activeApp was being set to Dashboard before defaultApp was ready to go. This was preventing defaultApp from working properly
  • Shortcuts: Fixed styling on multi-use discount code input
  • Shortcuts: Added disclaimer to bottom of email about the discount code being displayed
  • Shortcuts: Fixed copy in Display Settings sections of Shortcuts
  • Shortcuts: Updated shortcuts data structure to prevent React warnings requiring unique key properties
  • List Builder: Removed a line that was sending duplicate events to Sumo. 
    • Ran a script to clean up duplicate events that were introduced
  • Sumo.com: Fixed image on /careers page for recruiter position. Apply here
  • List Builder: Fixed error message that was using the wrong variable so not showing proper error message
  • Shortcuts: Fixed issue where using the back button would not reset steps in the progress bar.
  • Autoresponder: Upon selecting a winning test variant, reassign the autoresponders to point to the winning variant only
  • Multiline Text Input Component: No enter event listener
  • Search Input Component: Fixed showing ‘clear’ button for default values


  • Sumo: Improved route handling to remove large amounts of code and rely more on onUpdateRoute
  • Sumo: Consolidated the genId function from all over the place into one lib util

May 14, 2018 – May 20, 2018


  • Shortcuts
    • Added better error handling for when a shortcut could not be saved due to discount creation errors
    • Autoresponder name is no longer ‘null null’ if no name is known. Instead we use the user’s email handle.
    • Added red borders on input fields if user didn’t complete an item in the shortcut
    • Fixed issue where you could scroll past required fields and save the shortcut without filling in the required fields.
    • Added ability to put footers in steps. This was needed for the discount code disclaimer
    • Added smooth scrolling between steps when the ‘next’ button was pressed


  • Message Center: The message center sending code was using a query that wasn’t using an index it should’ve been using. We forced it to use the correct index and improved send times for campaigns and autoresponders.
  • Contact Form: Recaptcha needed to be updated to v2 in order to work properly.
  • Image Sharer: Updated the stats to use better formatted dates
  • Dashboard: Dashboard was showing an error message erroneously. It no longer shows when there’s no error
  • Dashboard: First time users were sometimes not shown the dashboard until they refreshed or switched apps and returned. This has been fixed


  • Ecommerce Calculator: Fixed header in footer in follow-up email.

May 7, 2018 – May 13, 2018


  • Weekly Digest: The weekly digest email has code that prevents a user from receiving a digest more than once a week (as that would be a bug). Unfortunately, last week our digest email went out late which caused this check to get triggered. We made the check more forgiving and this week the digest went out as scheduled.
  • Autoresponder: If custom domain is not verified, still use the info given to us by the user in reply_to.
  • Smart Bar: Fixed styling for sites that use margin:auto on the body tag


  • Ecommerce Calculator: Fixed header in footer in follow-up email.

Apr 30, 2018 – May 6, 2018


  • Share: Added ability to reset share colors to default
  • Woocommerce: Improved error messages when woocommerce/sumo fail to generate Discount Codes and improved webhook oauth validation checks


  • Message Center: Fixed deep link between Message Center and List Builder.
  • Chat: Restored missing event data from last week’s reporting issues
  • List Builder: React component refactor caused an issue in List Builder where you couldn’t click to different areas of the List Builder editor. This has been fixed
  • Chat: New users had issues with display rules working properly with Chat. This has been fixed.
  • Shopify: Fixed an issue where a site would seem like their OauthToken was valid, but it was actually invalid causing issues with discount code generation.


  • Sumo: Refactored some inefficient React components to perform better and reduce bloat
  • Image Sharer / Welcome MatMoved more event data from AWS RDS to AWS ES

Apr 23, 2018


  • Message Center / Autoresponder: Fixed a bug where if a user accidentally attempted to email a user twice in quick succession, neither would send instead of only one sending.
  • Chat: Some event data was not attributed to Chat properly after an RDS -> ES refactor. This is now reporting accurately
  • Chat: Added utf8 support for the text within chat


  • Share: Refactored Share to use React, rather than backbone.
  • React Components: Refactored a couple of React components for better separation and for future performance enhancements

Apr 9, 2018


  • Components: Arrow images in dropdowns weren’t loading.
  • ListBuilder: 
    • Cleans up some of the discount validation logic in the wysiwyg which previously prevented the discount warning from not showing up on invalid discount campaigns
    • Don't allow saving of game form type when it's using an invalid discount campaign
  • Sumo Launcher: Added LTR style to prevent RTL sites from having issues with Sumo
  • Smart Bar: Add top and height styling on bottom smart bars
  • List Builder: Fixed IE11 incompatibilities with our library that helps with fixed elements
  • Dashboard: Use client’s timezone so numbers make sense based on their location
  • List Builder: Incorrect test variant would sometimes have the subscriber ‘source’ set incorrectly. This has been fixed


  • Smart Bar: Use ElasticSearch for stats instead of RDS
  • Scroll Box: Use ElasticSearch for stats instead of RDS
  • Sumo: React performance improvements
    • Removed catch-all shouldComponentUpdate
    • Removed per-render event handlers


  • Dashboard: Updated tooltips within dashboard to match design specs
    • Updated ChartJS to fix issue with the legend

Apr 2, 2018


  • GeoIP: Removed old GeoIP database


  • Chat – added GDPR explicit opt-in capability
  • Sumo.com – Added Sumo ROI Calculator
  • Discounts: Added ability to add minimum purchase amount to discount codes for Shopify users
  • List Builder: Added ability to use tabs with click trigger forms
  • List Builder: Now shows a warning triangle in the form list if there is an issue with discount codes


  • Highlighter: Fixed possible: “Cannot read property 'contentWindow' of null” errors
  • CDN Caching: Fixed CDN caching to prevent marking unchanged files as changed
  • Chat: Fixed a bug that prevented old messages from loading on refresh
  • Discount Codes: WooCommerce error messages would sometimes not get cleared once they were fixed. This issue has been resolved.

Mar 26, 2018


  • WordPress Plugin: Added the script tag to the footer and updates manually installed Sumo script tags to our new script tag (speed benefits). Also now checks both the header and footer for the script tag, not just the header.
  • Sumo: The dashboard now more gracefully handles errors when the connection to ElasticSearch results in an error. This is not something we anticipate happening often, but we handle it gracefully in the event it does.
  • WooCommerce: More WooCommerce error handling.
    • We pass along the WooCommerce error to the end user so they can better debug the issue
    • If the error is related to their OAuthToken, we mark it as invalid and don’t show their forms
  • Sumo.com: Added bonus content library for Sumo users.
  • CDN: Began comparing CDNs to determine reliability vs speed vs cost


  • WooCommerce: One of our Woocommerce clients was setting null values to 0 upon discount creation which was resulted in odd discount expiration dates. This has been fixed.
  • Dashboard: 
    • Disable Unpublish/Archive buttons if checkboxes are not selected
    • Add small labels to chart arrows (quick fade in-out)
    • When changing locations (ex. overview to forms), page will scroll to top
    • Show form count on /pages
    • Update the form list to reflect the correct number of forms for that date interval when changing dates intervals in chart
      • Only update forms for each page individually (did not use componentWillUpdate since it will update all pages)
    • Fix the form tags order and do not show autoresponder tag if it has been removed from form
  • Sumo.com: Added blog categories to the mobile site navigation and made the expandable menus collapsible
  • Share: It was possible to choose invalid date ranges within Share. This has been fixed


  • Sumo client: Reduced round trip calls even more. Only rarely will the client need to make two round trip calls to Sumo now.
  • Shopify: Shopify added the ability to batch create discount codes. So now we use that rather than creating them individually

Mar 19, 2018


  • Discount Codes: Added discount code features for WooCommerce userS
  • Dashboard: Shows the “Best” trophy everywhere the conversion rate is shown.
  • Dashboard: Added new intro screen to introduce the best features of dashboard to users.


  • Dashboard: Fixed dashboard intro to be responsive and the buttons to go to the next slide, rather than to the blog.
  • Dashboard: Added arrows to all sortable categories, highlight the selected category and added “Best” as a selectable category.
  • Integrations: SumoMe to Sumo copy fixes.
  • Dashboard: Shows the correct color for Conversion Rate % relative to industry average.
  • Installation: Fixed wordpress admin url detection to provide the best installation path for new users.


  • Discount Codes: Decoupled discount code / list builder statuses. This will prevent things like cart casino frequency options from being lost when an oauth token becomes invalid.
  • Settings: Updated settings to use ReactRouter for routing rather than our code keeping track of the view state
  • Chat: Removed an unnecessary call to a Sumo endpoint for chat as we already hit that same endpoint on load for our legacy email apps. Fewer round trips = faster load.

Mar 12, 2018


  • Blog: Moved blog comments higher up on the page just after the blog content.


  • Message Center: Updated styling on Terms of Service to make it easier to read.
  • Message Center: Allows users without any subscribers to still create email campaigns in draft mode.
  • Shopify: If the user has an invalid Shopify token, the dialogue box now asks them to either reauth or disconnect. This ensures we know what their intention is.
  • List Builder / Chat: Moved load urls to a common, shared url further reducing round-trip calls and load times.
  • List Builder: Added ability to use query parameters within form content by typing {query:variablename}. For instance, a url with ?name=Starbuck in its url could use “Hello {query:name}” in its copy.


  • Sumo.com: Added cache busting on our css to prevent css changes from not being reflected.
  • Settings: No longer shows Seats Limit warning if user has unlimited seats.
  • Dashboard: Fixed data issue regarding Daylight Savings Time.
  • Notifications: Clicking on notifications sent from older apps wasn’t working properly after moving to new routing scheme. This has been fixed.
  • Content Analytics & Heat Maps: Clicking ‘View’ now opens the page in a new tab, opens Sumo, then shows the campaign rather than attempting to open on the current page.
  • List Builder: If the form type is not capable of handling discounts, do not show Add Discount button or prompt for discount on save.
  • Content Analytics: Viewing all campaigns within Content Analytics would sometimes not show campaigns until hitting next once or twice. This has been fixed.
  • Dashboard: Attempting to create/edit/duplicate popups from within the dashboard became broken with router updates. This has been fixed.
  • Shopify: Certain Shopify tokens were incorrectly being marked as invalid causing forms using Discount Codes to stop showing. This has been fixed and the tokens were remarked as valid.
  • Shopify: Closing a Shopify store now automatically updates Sumo so that we’re aware of authentication token status.


  • Sumo Core: Updated the checkboxes throughout the app to use the new Sumo component library.

Mar 5, 2018


  • Chat: Add ability to change background image within Chat settings
  • Chat: Allow use of Display Rule sets within Chat
  • Dashboard: Implemented a better “Empty State” for first time users on the Overview, Pages, and Forms views
  • Discount Codes: Forms no longer lose their assigned discount campaign upon Shopify reconnect
  • Discount Codes: Now allow the use of {discount}, {discount_code}, and {price} in: subscribe_redirect_url, pixels_conversion, and the form button’s redirect to link.


  • WordPress: Dashboard stats in wordpress was not showing properly since removing the legacy dashboard. This is fixed.
  • Sumo.com: Fixed display bug where both Plugins and other links in the menu were activated at the same time.
  • Shopify: Cleared cache upon token reauthentication so token would no longer appear invalid.
  • Dashboard: Page previews/screenshots are now centered and don’t repeat
  • Sign Up Issues: Upon signing up, we’d sometimes ask the user to sign in again immediately. This no longer happens.
  • Login Issues: We’d sometimes give a 502 error upon login for users with no sites. This has been resolved.


  • List Builder: Refactored to share some common functions among all the different form types. This should result in a lower file size, faster load times, and improved reliability.
  • Routing: Rely more on React Router to handle our routing and remove unnecessary path data when managing Sumo through sumo.com. Legacy URLs should continue to work.

Feb 26, 2018


  • Subscribers: Improved the queries within Subscribers. It’s much much faster now.
  • Chat: Added admin-side noise upon receipt of chat message.
  • Sumo.com: Added the site’s paid plan within sumo.com/sites in the detailed view.
  • Sumo: If a site doesn’t have access to a specific feature, the pricing view now says which exact feature is missing.
  • Message Center: Added ability to schedule campaigns for a future date/time!


  • List Builder: Added more validation to check for saving a form without a discount when it needs one, resulting in a form that would never show.
  • Dashboard: Use our CDN for thumbnails resulting in faster thumbnail loading.
  • Google Analytics: Previously, Pageviews/Session was taking into account 0 Pageviews/Session per interval resulting in partial Pageview/Session data.
  • ListBuilder/Legacy WM: Legacy WM emails were not being included in exported CSVs. This has been fixed.
  • Shopify: Added checks within LB to make sure the Shopify token is still valid. Also added statuses within the campaigns themselves so paused forms can be resumed upon accidental Shopify disconnection.

Feb 19, 2018

  • Fix – Sumo: Stopped background loading of non-active apps in site owner admin panel. Prevents bugs where the underlying app would ask for things when the app wasn’t even enabled.
  • Refactor – Highlighter/Contact Form: Removed redundant code. Should result in smaller payload and faster loading
  • Feature – Message Center: Added method of deleting subscribers
  • Feature – Message Center: Added new campaign view with saving campaigns!
  • Feature – List Builder: List builder Xs now have a bigger hitbox on mobile devices to prevent end user frustration
  • Feature – SailThru: If a user had previously opted out of emails, then re-opt-in, we now re-add them to the mailing list.
  • Refactor – Embed Code: Rolled out the refactored embed code. This should help with pagespeed issues
  • Refactor – Legacy LB/Smart Bar/Welcome Mat: Migrated endpoints to single endpoint shared with other services to improve speed and reduce back-and-forth
  • Feature – Message Center: If the user changed the campaign and hits cancel before saving, we ask them if they’d like to Save or Discard their changes.
  • Feature – Message Center: Added ability to duplicate campaigns
  • Feature – List Builder: We now keep the filter dropdown open when selecting items
  • Feature – Pricing: Implemented Q1 Pricing Refresh which removes Sumo Branding from all paid plans, changes prices, and more.

Feb 12, 2018

  • Style – Modals: Updated all react modals to match new styling.
  • Feature – Website: Added informational page relating to Coalition for Better Ads & Google Chrome.
  • Refactor – Legacy Scrollbox/Heatmaps: Migrated endpoints to single endpoint shared with other services to improve speed and reduce back-and-forth.
  • Feature – Display Rules: Added IP address display rule.
  • Fix – Chat: Prevented chat from resending the same chat message to the same user more than once.
  • Chore – Sessions: Began copying sessions to a new, updated redis box. Should result in faster loading once we switch completely over.
  • Style – Chat: Updated style of chat email per design’s guidelines.
  • Feature – Chat: Enabled the admin email feature for all users.
  • Fix – Dashboard: Some users were having issues retrieving dashboard data due to their local timezone.

Feb 5, 2018

  • Fix – Chat: Closing chats now triggers a scroll event preventing a situation where a user is unable to load more chats.
  • Feature – Discount Codes: Discount_code being passed as hidden field in form to ESPs. Mailchimp has a character limit, so it is discount for them.
  • Feature – Thumbnails: Better positioning of forms in thumbnails so you can see the form more clearly.
  • Refactor – Notifications: Sped up query that pulls notifications.
  • Misc – Dashboard: Various dashboard style fixes.
  • Feature – Dashboard: Added sorting.
  • Refactor – Dashboard: Improved /overview speed by removing unnecessary calls.
  • Refactor – Backend:  Created a single endpoint that all services can use so there is less back-and-forth between Sumo and the end-user resulting in faster load times.
  • Feature – Chat: Sends out digest emails for Chat. Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Never.
  • Feature – Dashboard: Began using our CDN for thumbnails. Should be faster for clients.
  • Refactor – Sumo: Updated to a newer version of React.
  • Feature – Chat: Added ability to change background color in chat.

Jan 29, 2018

  • Added mute toggle to Cart Casino.
  • New Dashboard was added!
  • Bugfix: Click triggers weren't working for some pages where an article was detected, but had no innerText. Now they do!
  • Discount Codes now being passed to ESPs.
  • Bugfix: DisplayRules no longer getting tripped up on camelCase query parameters.
  • Removed Recaptcha from payload unless it is absolutely required. This should reduce payload size and speed up Sumo load times.
  • Updated maximum character limit for Highlighter / Image Sharer for Twitter from 140 to 280.
  • Migrated to a new, faster database on AWS.
  • Fixed legacy thumbnails in List Builder.
  • Added Save Draft / Publish to List Builder to allow people to return to a form later to finish without setting live immediately.
  • Added GDPR informational page.
  • Does not load certain javascript files if the user does not have the features enabled. Increases speed and reduces payload size.
  • Added Cart Casino to /examples page.
  • Added unsubscribe types for MC / Autoresponder / Chat so a user can unsubscribe from one but not necessarily all.
  • Redesigned the visitor email for Chat.

