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The Sumo Reading List

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Heads up! We're going to send one lucky reader every single book for free… read to the end to find out how to get them 🙂

Last Saturday, the Sumo team members in Austin got together for drinks, good food, and to celebrate a successful 2015.

As part of the holiday dinner, we did a gift exchange thought up by our office boss, Rachel. We each brought one of our favorite books, and an item that fits with it, and randomly exchanged them amongst ourselves.

So if you’re looking for some great reads, here are our top picks 🙂

The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield

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Picked by: Noah Kagan, El Jefe

Accompanying item: Magic 8 Ball

Why this book? “This is a great self-help book that is told through a fun adventure story. There are no coincidences. ”

Death & Co: Modern Classic Cocktails, with More than 500 Recipes by David Kaplan

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Picked by: Chad Boyda, CTO / Bartender

Accompanying item: OXO Steel Double Jigger

Why this book? “In a deluge of recent cocktail books and pre-mixed liquor trying too hard to be different, this book is an instant modern classic. Each recipe has a melodic balance of depth and complexity that strike familiar chords. Imbibe on classic cocktails with modern rifts that can stand the test of time, barroom fads, and blurred memories.”

Enchantment by Orson Scott Card

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Picked by: Anton Sepetov, Partnership Sumo

Accompanying item: Matryoshka glasses

Why this book? “After reading Ender's Game, I had to read more Orson Scott Card. This was my favorite of Card's novels not related to the Ender's Game series. The story is very closely tied to my background, with much of it revolving around Russian culture. Long live Potato!”

The World According to Garp by John Irving

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Picked by: Eric Fernandez, VP of Writing Code

Accompanying item: Moleskine Notebook & Fountain Tip Pen

Why this book? “This book is full of flawed, strange, yet surprisingly realistic characters. Life happens in this book. And death. Few other books can capture the winding paths that life can take. It reminds you that life can be wonderful or brutal. Swift or meandering. This book makes you want travel, find yourself, and live out your story.”

Neuromancer by William Gibson

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Picked by: Jamie Hiyama, Master Musubi Maker

Accompanying item: Magnetic Shuriken Bottle Opener

Why this book? “Before Neuromancer, there were just ideas. After Neuromancer, cyberpunk became an alternate reality that I frequented regularly in my imagination. Chiba City was my second home. It changed how I saw the world and what I wanted out of it. If you love the Matrix you can thank Neuromancer.”

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

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Picked by: Mark Peck, Director of Badassery / Designer

Accompanying item: Leatherman

Why this book? “First truly enjoyable book I was given as a kid in 5th grade to read. Finished it in just a few days.”

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

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Picked by: Ayman Al-Abdullah, Hairy Sumo

Accompanying item: Hipster Mason Jar/Bar thingy

Why this book? “Awful title, but amazing book that is still relevant almost 100 years later. And if all else fails, make delicious cocktails.”

Antifragile by Nassim Taleb

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Picked by: Nat Eliason, Marketing Sumo

Accompanying item: Grip strength trainer

Why this book? “Definitely my favorite philosophy / practical advice book I've read in a long time. It's useful for thinking about work and life so you can make it more fun and not be as afraid of sudden unexpected changes.”

Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card

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Picked by: Paul Loray, Director of Anime

Accompanying item: Infrared Laser Thermometer

Why this book? “It’s hard not to love your own auto-biography.”

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain by David Eagleman

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Picked by: Robert Dale Smith, Sumo Developer

Accompanying item: Anatomy Brain Model

Why this book? “Favorite neuroscientist from Houston. Influenced the way I think of the human mind.”

Hardboiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami

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Picked by: Rachel Weisberg, Office Boss

Accompanying item: Cold Sake Set

Why this book? “I love this book for so many reasons, but primarily because it's so deliciously weird. You're never quite sure what's happening or why. As Murakami was a child of post-war Japan, it's very telling of the ethos of the time.”

Want every book for yourself?

Share this post with the hashtag "#sumoreads" before 12/23 at 11:59pm CST, and we'll send one lucky winner every single book! We'll even throw in a Sumo t-shirt as an added bonus.


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