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You email a dozen editors of a dozen authority websites to submit a guest post and then you wait… Two days in, crickets. One week later, still nada… Sounds familiar? In this post, I share a framework for consistently landing guest posts on authority websites. You don’t need to use any complicated SEO tools to […]


Looking for the best business podcasts, but don’t know where to start? Great news, you’re in the right place. In this binge-listening guide, I share standout podcasts loaded with proven strategies and inspiring stories to lift you up. To make this quick and easy for you, I’ve categorized them and included a few recommended episodes; […]


You’re reluctant to buy from a business you don’t know. The same goes for your customers. So what do you do? You build an efficient process to collect the contact information of your prospective customers. That way, you can build trust, show what you have to offer, and eventually turn your visitors into paying customers. […]


There’s a saying that goes: “Make new friends, but keep the old. One is silver, the other gold.” At Optimist, we took that saying to heart and baked it into our entire growth and business strategy. In our first 36 months as a content marketing agency, we grew from $0 to $1.5 million in ARR […]


Urgh. This is the 13th time a customer has emailed you this question. Deep down, you know why. It’s either A) your website is missing an FAQ page, or B) your customers are frustrated by its site navigation and resort to emailing you instead. In this guide, I’ll show you 10 great FAQ examples to […]


When growing an ecommerce business, most companies focus their marketing efforts on new customer acquisition. But the problem with acquiring new customers is that it’s expensive. And in reality, maintaining a strong relationship with your existing customer base is far more effective for scaling your business. Retaining your existing customer base should be an equal […]


Every marketing strategy has a primary goal. Your primary goal might be… To grow your email list. To generate trial starts. To increase sales by 20%. But someone rarely goes straight from discovering your business to becoming a customer. And if you only focus on the primary goal, you’re missing out on a ton of […]


On their own, marketing and sales won't bring great results. Without marketing, sales teams waste their time following up with low-quality leads. Without sales, marketers fail to hit their quarterly targets. But when they are together? Marketing and sales crush conversions. Want to learn the major differences between marketing and sales and how they can […]


*Crickets* Yet another prospect has ignored your LinkedIn message. Why is it so hard to convert them to a paid client? Never again! In this guide, I’ll show you how to write a message that builds lasting relationships and closes deals like gangbusters: %(tableofcontents) Let’s dive in and turn you into a LinkedIn powerhouse. LinkedIn Message […]


Since social media channels like Facebook and Instagram are always changing, social media strategies need to constantly evolve too. Sometimes the best way to improve your social media marketing is to look at the bigger picture. This is where a social media audit comes in. A social media audit allows you to measure your strategy […]