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Sumo Growth-studies

The 5 Biggest Mistakes You’re Making With Infographics


Visual information is incredibly powerful. According to research compiled by Hubspot, articles with numerous images are shared twice as often on social media as those without, and Facebook posts with images see 2.3 times the engagement as those without images. That said, simple pictures are limited in how much information they can impart to your […]

How to Tweak Your Email Campaigns for the New Normal


The new normal has changed the way we live our lives — and in effect, has changed the face of businesses everywhere. Digital marketing tactics and strategies that used to work have changed overnight, while new ways of marketing have sprung to light as an effect of consumers’ new habits, needs, and preferences. So how […]

Walgreens's covid-19 email

How To Increase Sales: 5 Highly Effective Strategies For 2021


As a business owner, you know that increasing sales is crucial to your growth. If you know what you’re doing, you don’t need to try every tactic available. There are two effective ways to grow your sales: Attract more customers Entice your customers to buy again To help you get more sales from your marketing […]

Stupid Simple SEO

10 Essential Newsletter Tips to Get Your Emails Read


Have you been wondering what makes a newsletter stand out? I’ve been obsessed with newsletters, which is why I keep notes on what makes the crème de la crème of the email letters so great. If you want your newsletter to shine, grab these notes. Want them? Read on to find ten tips that I’ve […]

Eddie Shleyner’s emails

Step-By-Step Viral Giveaway Guide (With Templates)


Learn exactly how to get hundreds (sometimes even thousands) of new email subscribers for your business using a proven system we’ve tested with several brands across multiple different consumer verticals. The best part: you don’t need a huge social media following or even an existing email list (though it doesn’t hurt), and it costs approximately […]

Giveaway Participants Result

Principles of Persuasion: 6 Proven Ways to Boost Conversions


If you run an online business, you know the competition is fierce. Consumers have more options than ever before. And once you’ve gotten them to your site, you still have to do the hard part: get them to make a purchase. But what if you had a few tools to make your job way easier? […]

Counter Culture Coffee offers excellent free online guides

The Complete Guide To Surveys (With Examples)


Today we’re going to discuss a topic most marketers ignore: Surveys. When you think about marketing, your mind likely goes to SEO, ads, conversion rates, etc. But surveys are a marketer’s secret weapon.  Here’s the proof. Using a survey, I created a single piece of content that has generated nearly 100,000 pageviews:  (By the end […]

Ignore The Rest: 16 Marketing Blogs You Need To Read


There’s so much content online today.  Honestly, it can feel like a full-time job just to filter through the noise to find blogs that are worth your time. To help you get the BEST marketing content available, we’ve curated a list of 16 marketing blogs you need to follow. Here’s the list:  %(tableofcontents) 1. Siege […]

Siege Media's marketing content blog

First Start a Blog, Then Build A Business, Then An Empire


Most people think blogging is over, but if I had to choose one thing that’s going to make a comeback over the next 5-10 years, it’s blogging. I started blogging over 10 years ago, and it’s one of the best moves I ever made. It not only allows me to express myself and learn to […]

Joel Runyon's blog - And So It Begins...

Emotional Persuasion: How To Make Your Conversions Skyrocket


Running an online business is all about getting your visitors to say yes. That means understanding how your visitors make decisions. While we’d all like to think we’re logical, most of our decisions are deeply influenced by emotion. Here at Sumo, we love to use emotionally charged words to move readers to action: And to […]

Sumo.com blog post - The 8 Persuasive Words That Instantly Help You Sell More